Hacking healthcare: innovative solutions for a broken supply chain with Luka Yancopoulos

Grapevine; healthcare supply chain
Luka Yancopoulos

In episode #16, I speak with Luká Yancopoulos, CEO and co-founder of Grapevine Technologies.

Luka is an entrepreneur with a track record of innovation and consistent delivery in the healthcare industry.

As CEO and one of the faces of the company, Luká is involved at every level of Grapevine’s operations: securing funding, innovating on the platform, and looking for ways to take the company’s offering to an even wider market.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Crazy inefficiencies in the current healthcare supplies market
  • Grapevine’s marketplace solution and cost savings
  • Price transparency for healthcare supplies
  • Grapevine’s growing popularity among specialist providers
  • How Grapevine enables cost savings for struggling rural hospitals
  • The importance of efficient supply chains for value-based care
  • Experiences from early adopters of Grapevine’s services

Sign up for free at Grapevine today and save on your medical supplies.

We hope you enjoy the show!


~ James